Hat Trick

Manasi Prasad
2 min readApr 23, 2020


Photo by Samet Kurtkus on Unsplash

We were not supposed to be there. Room #3 in the library was restricted. But we were drawn to it. That evening, we went in.

Pieces of paper scattered around — bottles, stuffed toys, and colored clothes all over.

“This is unlike any other room in the library,” Jess exclaimed.

“Well, obviously. It’s the reason it was restricted.” I reminded him.

Something in the room caught my eye. A peculiar looking hat that looked out of place. It was the shape of a palm, but with six fingers. I counted.

There was a piece of paper attached to it. Jess and I walked, gravitated towards the strange headgear.

Legend has it, the one under this hat will fall into a sleep that has no awakening.” I read out.

“What a load of garbage.” Jess laughed.

I wasn’t so sure. The message seemed odd.

“Give it to me.” Jess insisted.

“J-Jess, I’m not so sure…” I said weakly.

Jess was always strong-willed. He took the hat from my hands and put it on his head. For a moment, nothing happened.

“See. Told you it was all a…” He stopped speaking.

“Jess?” I was terrified.

He collapsed in a heap to the floor.

I began searching the room for something to help him. And that’s when I saw it.

Skeletons. Under the piles of clothes, papers, toys, there were hidden skeletons.

We were not the first ones to have stumbled into this evil den.

I ran out of Room #3, and Jess lay there with six fingers on his head.



Manasi Prasad
Manasi Prasad

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