What’s In A Word
Summer was here. That only meant one thing for the Harrison household.
“Kids, pack your clothes by tonight. We have to leave tomorrow afternoon,” Mrs. Harrison yelled out from her room.
Just as it was a tradition for the family to go on a cruise every summer, it was a tradition for the family to meet a new chauffeur every week.
At precisely 3 pm, a stout man stumbled into the house.
“I’m here. I’m here. You called, sir?” he sounded flustered.
“Two hours ago, Watson,” Mr. Harrison replied.
Mrs. Harrison and her two daughters sat at the kitchen table, enjoying afternoon snacks.
“How long do you think this one will last?” Janine whispered to Kylie.
“A day,” Kylie assured.
“Are you crazy? At least five days,” Janine responded.
“Let’s bet on it. How much will you pay me?”
“Twenty dollars and you’re on.”
“Now that you’re here, Watson, I want you to book us a ferry for tomorrow morning,” said Mr. Harrison.
“And do it on time,” Mrs. Harrison added.
Watson heard a few giggles from the kitchen and left with a confused look. This was a challenging task, even for him. He tried calling every agency and looked all over but wasn’t successful. Finally, he saw a sign in front of a quaint shop.
‘Is your child’s birthday nearing? Book a fairy for 10% off this holiday season!’
“Hmm, this is a good deal. I’m sure the kids will be happy,” he thought and went inside.
The next morning Watson was punctual but wasn’t alone.
“The tickets, Watson?” Mr. Harrison raised his eyebrow, smiling at the lady next to Watson.
“Tickets, sir?”
“Yes, Watson. And who is this nice lady with you?”
“The fairy, sir,” Watson said with confidence.
Kylie burst out laughing and grabbed her twenty dollars.